Bump In the Night

I’m old enough to know that any monsters under my bed,

pale in comparison to the one that’s in my head

a creature that taunts me nightly, with what ifs, mights and coulds,

tells me: it’ll be okay though, if you just touch wood

so I tap the bed frame once, and then I tap again

only now touching wood doesn’t work, unless it’s in multiples of ten

and I suppose I can’t be certain, that wood will always be found

so I keep a piece in my pocket, carry it around

But the voice changes its tactic, says now that the real monster is me

and I’m late for work because I’m taking quizzes: “Do you have psychopathic tendencies?”

Won’t go into my kitchen, can’t be left around any knives

Scratch my skin hoping it’ll distract me, and break all out into hives

I tell all my friends who ask, I loved making a murderer too!

Only I didn’t really watch it, too afraid what I might do

That somehow I’d see myself staring back from within the TV screen

so I lock myself into my room, simply refuse to leave

That soothes the monster almost, but just when I think its gone

It finds a new obsession, what if my reality is wrong?

And I’m actually not here, not really, not at all

That maybe I’m dreaming, or I’m crazy, or I had a nasty fall

Maybe I’m lying in a hospital bed, wires threading through me, I’m in coma somewhere

My family cry, she was so young! Their heads all bowed in prayer

Or maybe, I’m in the matrix, a simulation, nothing’s real

So I start pinching myself, once, then twice, to make sure I can feel

But then I cannot trust myself, so ask my boyfriend to pinch me instead

Pinch me, please just pinch me, show me this is all just in my head

and he says, Look, this isn’t right, I think you might be quite unwell

and I agree with him I say, probably, I am poorly, yes, but it’s just so hard to tell

what’s real and what’s a thought, with these monsters in my head all the time

‘That’s where I can help’, says my therapist, we can make my mind, mine

She says you are struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Impossible I say, I’m so messy, untidy - a hoarder!

But it turns out this creatures can morph, one person to the next

and my monster camouflaged itself amidst all of my mess

As well as in laughter, that old chestnut I’m sure you’ve heard

saying: ‘I’m a bit OCD’, when you like your socks in pairs, does nothing but hurt

so much so I didn’t realise, that all of the above had a name

lost years of my life to a monster that can actually be slain

at least now I realise my obsessions are not me

they’re just symptoms of living with that hilarious joke, only, I’m not just a bit OCD.

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A prayer

my body is not a temple

it' can’t exist within the four walls of a church

it needs room to shrink, to burst, to flood

can’t be confined to one spot on this earth

my body is not a temple

because bricks and stones would hold too tight,

my hips, my thighs, my belly

my divine cellulite

my body is not a temple

it needs no altars, congregations, priests

it just has a singular, simple prayer for me:

please, when you’re hungry, eat

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Being emotional is tiring

I imagine my palms have pores

they absorb the air, everything they touch

or maybe, I am like a plant, photosynthesising

I inhale what can’t be spoken

so the people around me can breathe

It’s not that I mind

Feeling greatly is surely better than not feeling at all


there are times I wish I’d find the median

put up a fence to keep the weeds away

No, actually

a fence can be a prison if there’s no room to grow

can’t expand if a boundary cuts y o u


So, I don’t mind feeling for you

But I do ask, please be gentle

Plants break easily

And so too, can I

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My Favourite Shape

Rolling hills, rolling waves

Rolls of mini, sausage, jam

Roly-poly, forward rolling - far more fun than simply walking

Nothing better than the way that raspberry ripple rolls into a scoop

So then why not too, my belly?

Brimmed with ice cream, bread, spaghetti,

And my thighs that wibble wobble

You know, I think it’s nice that they can snuggle

Today I realised


Rolls are the most joyous parts of life

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